Private company Peštan is a leader in the Balkans in the production and distribution of products and solutions from the polymers.
The company was founded in 1989 and has been producing water pipes made of polyethylene. Over time, we introduced new materials (polypropylene and PVC) and an expanded product range. Today, in our offer you may find more than 8500 products, divided into four categories:
Peštan operates in more than 80 countries worldwide through a global network of agents and distributors. Primarily export-oriented, the company is present in the market of Europe, Russia, the Middle East, North Africa, Latin America, and the United States.

The entire production is adjusted to European standards and is proved by international certificates for quality products: IGH, Bulgarkontrola, INSTA-CERT DANCERT, MPA, DVGW, ITC, EBETAM, EMI, GOST, ICC, IAMPO, KIWA, SKZ, SPSC, VUPS, VUSAPL, BENOR, BELNIIS, HESSEL, TZW, FRAUNHOFER, CSI, MIRTEC, certificates of quality process ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, and information security certificate ISO 27001.
For maximum satisfaction of customer needs, the Company is constantly innovating and improving personnel and equipment. Since 2009, the Company introduced the SAP ERP modules MM, SD, PP, FI CO, and since 2012 have extended functionality and WMS were included. The introduction of WCM and WMS system has increased the efficiency, contributed to the allocation of costs and professional maintenance.
The solutions Peštan has in its sales portfolio, employee commitment and constant innovation contribute to overall customer satisfaction. Safety of our suppliers and customer loyalty are guaranteed by the prestigious mark of quality of financial operations AAA, awarded by Bisnode.