In the previous days we hosted guests from the Czech company Heckl. Beside the owner, there were also distributors of distribution centers with whom we plan to cooperate.

Heckl has been in existence since 1993 and has been cooperating with us since 2017. In addition to the official part that included the meetings of directors and owners of Heckl, there was a time for socializing and enjoying the traditional Šumadija cuisine and luxury hotel Izvor with 5 stars. The guests were very motivated to attend the company’s presentation and to visit the plants in detail and to be sure of the quality of our products. Additionally, colleagues from technical support and sales were tasked to show them in detail the production lines, especially piping solutions, for which they were very interested, as they already work with PVC, HTPP and polyethylene.

The goal of the visit was to expand cooperation in the future, and we hope and, in fact, we are convinced that we will fulfill this goal.