With a constant striving for improvement, listening to the wishes and the needs of our users, we are continuously working on the development of new and advancement of existing products.
We are presenting to you the latest products from the bathroom solutions assortment:
Confluo BOARD
Reliable and complete solutions of drains for walk-in shower cabin.

The program of Confluo „Board“ preinstalled drains for shower cabin presents the result of constant trying for a better and more efficient solution for our users all over the world. It was made a big step forward with this product in terms of hydro isolation, safety, and aesthetics, the possibility of mistake is reduced and the time and costs of installation are significantly reduced too.
Confluo Compact Line drains
Compactly elegant.

The proven quality of Confluo drains with a more reduced, minimalistic design. This line of drains has a new elegant and thin mask without visible plastic parts with 3 options stainless steel grid options. Minimal height installation of 52mm is positioning this drain to the lowest drains DN 50 outputs on the world market.
Fluenta Sanitary Ware
Harmony of form for bathroom with style.

Beside the Fluenta wall hung Rimless toilet bowl, new Fluenta bidet, and Fluenta Round surface-mounted washbasin form an aesthetically harmonious unity, with harmonious shapes which together contribute to the impression of an elegantly decorated modern bathroom.
Brochure NEW PRODUCTS 2020
More information about these novelties in the range of bathroom solutions can be found in the brochure at the following link: