World Environment Day, June 5, is celebrated around the world through various environmental activities, with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of preserving and sustaining the environment.
We marked this day with activities on the town square, by donating PET bottles to the recycling machine, within “Recycling for a cleaner Arandjelovac” activation.
Studies have shown that only 10% of PET bottles are recycled globally, while 90% end up in landfills, rivers and oceans.
By implementing an adequate waste management system in the company, the primary separation of waste at the point of origin is achieved, according to composition.
Thanks to all employees who adhere to the correct classification of waste during disposal, we can separate PET bottles from municipal waste.
For every 10,000 packaging units, JKP Bukulja organizes the planting of 10 trees, for every 20,000 an environmental cleanup of the city, and for every 30,000, 30 trees are planted.
With this action, we contributed to cleaning the city and planting trees, and it is planned that Pestan will carry out similar environmental actions in the future.

Did you know?
By recycling 1 PET BOTTLES with a volume of 2 l, enough energy is saved for a 60 W light bulb to work for 6 hours.
By recycling 5 PET BOTTLES, you can get 1 XL size t-shirt.
By recycling 500 cans, you can get 1 bicycle.
From 1.2 t of waste paper, 1 t of recycled paper can be obtained and 20 trees can be saved.