The mark of conformity is a declaration from the manufacturer that the product is aligned with all the essential requirements of the relevant technical regulations in terms of health, safety, environmental protection, etc. Besides compliance with technical regulations, it can also be confirmed the compliance of that product with the standards.
The usage of the national mark of conformity with Serbian standards should represent a message from the manufacturers and service providers about a high degree of reliability, quality, and care for consumers, as well as competitiveness in the market.
We are always trying to meet all the requirements of the market and to coordinate our business with the standards of the countries we operate with. For this reason, Peštan is the first to receive the right to use the national mark of conformity with Serbian standards.

On Friday, October 7, the Institute for Standardization granted Peštan the right to use the mark of conformity with the Serbian standard SRPS EN ISO 15874-2:2013 and its amendment SRPS EN ISO 15874-2:2013/A1:2019 for polypropylene products (PP-R) pipes.