Our contributor from Montenegro, Matino Company, distributes plumbing and sewage materials, equipment for bathrooms, and central heating, and owns several distribution centers throughout Montenegro.
Through the long-term business, Matino acquired the trust of many plumbers in Montenegro, who had the opportunity to visit our company this week and see how products from Peštan’s assortment has made.

Undoubtedly, this was one of the most numerous visits this year, including 60 visitors. One part of the visit was dedicated to the presentation of our company and presentation of the productional and logistic center. After the visit to our production facilities and logistics, our technical support representatives maintained the Road Show presentation. They made an effort to meet the contributors from Matino with Peštan’s assortment, clarify doubts, and provide answers to all questions.
Matino’s representatives also had the opportunity to meet the process in our laboratory, which performs physical-mechanical and dimensional tests in accordance with domestic, European, and international standards, regulations, and norms.
We were glad to hear that our guests were surprised with the size of the whole company and the production process of the products they use in their work, but they had no opportunity to see it until now.
Representatives of our company, except for the effort they put to present it in the right way, gave their best to host visitors so that both evenings ended in a laugh, talk, music, and a pleasant atmosphere which enjoyed both visitors from Montenegro as well as our employees.
After all, this was one interesting sightseeing tour we organized for our visitors and an opportunity to travel through Serbia and Šumadija which they don’t visit often.