At the Water Exhibition/Forum participated 100 companies from the country and abroad, which took place from November 16 to 18, 2022, in Belexpocenter in Belgrade, and presented their products, services and solutions.
This equipment and technology exhibition for water management and an international scientific expert meeting on water brought together numerous manufacturers and distributors of equipment, representatives of scientific institutions, design companies, water management companies and financial institutions.

This year too, we have traditionally presented products from the Pestan range of civil engineering, such as PP Strong pipes, Armo pipes, PE Spiropipe spiral pipes, a new frog cover as well as other fittings from the PVC and PP Strong range.
The Peštan stand attracted the attention of the Ø 630 manhole exhibit with a display of various connection possibilities with PP corrugated and smooth PVC pipes.
We used this opportunity to announce new products in our assortment – concrete manholes Ø1000, PE Spiropipe Ø3000 and PEHD Pipes Ø1200.

Colleagues from technical support and sales tried to provide all visitors to the stand with all the necessary information as well as accompanying flyers and catalogs for more details about the products.